Does Gratitude Build Powerful Attitude?


Yesterday I was sitting alone; suddenly my daughter came to me she hugged me and said mom thank you, I love you! You are my sunshine! I smiled back and said, love, you a lot! The way she showed her gratitude it gave me a thought. I love my family, my friends a lot! Did I show my gratitude towards them the way I should? Often we celebrate Thanksgiving and other festivals to show love and respect for our loved ones but Is it enough to do that? Should gratitude be limited to a day, occasion or incident? When We help someone sometimes they are familiar to us or even sometimes strangers they say us thank you, and that makes us feel good we accept that with a great smile, few times this beautiful gesture allows us to make new friends!

Remember our parents how much they loved us they did their best to give us best. They spend quality time with us they made us feel how important we are to them, their life. They taught us values. They helped us in creating our identity! Without expecting any return from us, their selfless love! Today when we have grown up, we all are busy in our life, We do respect them but, if we will say thank you is that enough?  Definitely, no our true thank would be to know them how much we need them. Their age doesn’t matter to us. Only their love is our blessing!

When we look behind we can say our best time was the time we spent in school college taking education. Our teachers who were our best friends, mentors who made our foundation strong every day, after leaving school college did we take out little time to spend with them? Did we ever tell them how grateful we are to have them? Just think They gave us the lesson to be thankful but did we take that lesson to our heart? Our friends who are always there for us. We have shared our laughter sorrows with them by holding their hands tightly. We still spend time with them but never make them realize how they matter to us, to our lives, do we?

Gratitude needs to be our attitude it’s true! For that, we need to cultivate it. We need to show we are not thankful not only by words but also by our heart. We need to pass the same love and respect we have got. It will not make our attitude powerful, but it will make flow that selfless love which everyone is seeking. Gratitude makes people come together keeping their differences behind. Gratitude can give birth to new relations and sometimes those relations impact much deeper to us! Gratitude needs to be a part of us to make us a better person every day. Gratitude is like pearl wrapped with love inside our heart once we feel it, it makes us peaceful and delighted. Life is too short don’t wait! Show how much we appreciate whatever life has given us. When few words coordinate with our actions it does magic they change our world by nurturing every moment making it more precious and worthwhile to live, isn’t it?

Share your thought through your comment! I would love to hear!


32 thoughts on “Does Gratitude Build Powerful Attitude?

  1. awesome post, truly we have alot to be greatful for, family, friends, teachers etc, i totally agree gratitude builds powerful attitude. keep those post coming new follower. it will be nice if you can visit my page as well…..

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love this post. Such a beautiful and thoughtful read. I absolutely agree, I feel like often times we focus on the bad things rather than the things we should be grateful for in life!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. True dear, we are blessed with lot of good things good people around us but, we never appreciate them with love and respect. We forget a little positive attitude has power to bring positive changes and positive vibes in our life! Thank you for sharing a positive aspect 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I think we need to teach gratitude mor. Tell people to love what you have and be thankful, rather than always looking for something more. The love of children is wonderful, and I wonder how do we lose this innocence as we grow up.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Definitely, we should! A positive thought can make a big difference! As we grow up we become more habitual of superficial life that brings a big difference in our behavior! We have become more possessive towards us and society we just forget to live the way we used to, in that we lose innocence and sparkling eyes which fills happiness in whole surrounding. Thank you for sharing your opinion 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I was about to comment to this post when my iPad notified me that you just commented on my fatherhood response-ability post. So I was distracted. Lol But still I am “grateful” to you!

    Yeah, gratitude is a great attitude! Indeed, we have to be grateful even for the smallest things that we receive. Everything in life is a blessing, even those things that we think are results of our actions. So, yes, we need a grateful heart!

    Great post! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 😀 No problem Nholie! I agree we should be grateful. Life is a blessing in itself and every moment we live is precious! Sometimes we don’t feel good about our actions but that is also good as it comes with a lesson to make life more worthwhile. Thank you for sharing your perspective in beautiful way 😊

      Liked by 1 person

    1. True! We should be grateful for what we have and we should pass the same warmth to other’s to make it more meaningful! thank you for sharing your thought and appreciating the blog 😊

      Liked by 2 people

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