My 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th Mystery Bogger Award

Hey, Everyone! Hope you are doing good! Once again time for celebration 🎉 I am delighted and humbled that I have been nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award by Four creative and lovely bloggers 😊 Thank you so much, Daneel from Daneelyunus RituRaj from The Long Distance Relationship Amartya Jumbled Letters from  and NathPrasad Ready To Love READY TO LOVE from  for nominating me and helping me to solve this Mystery 😛 Daneel is an excellent blogger who generally writes about technology and a few times about the other topics inspire him. Ritu Raj is sharing her experience on long-distance relationships, in her words “Distance seems so less when someone means so much.”Amartya is a fantastic blogger and a poet he weaves magic into words! His words speak to you, your emotions. NathPrasad is a wonderful poet and blogger he creates beautiful poems, stories as well as sketches! Guys, Please check out their fabulous blogs!


It’s an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion. – Okoto Enig


  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  2. Thank who ever Nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  3. Mention the creator of the award and a provide a link as well.
  4. Tell your readers 3 Things about Yourself.
  5. You have to nominate other 10- 20 bloggers.
  6. Notify your Nominees by commenting on their blog.

Here are the answers to the questions asked by Daneel

  1. What do you mean by love as your experience?

A beautiful feeling expressed through eyes and felt with the heart! ❤️

2. What is your aim in the coming life

Daneel life is full of uncertainties, let’s embrace them! For now, my aim is to spend a happy and peaceful life. 🤗✌️

Here are the answers to the questions asked by Ritu RAJ

  1. College life or hostel life?

         College life.

  2. What is your guilty pleasure?

     being lazy

Here are the answers to the questions asked by Amartya

1. Sum up your life in one word.


2. You vision towards this world?

   A little change in vision can bring a lot of positive changes. ✨

3. A moment that changed your life?

  The moment I realized life is evanescent!

Here are the answers to the questions asked by Nath Prasad

1. Have you ever save someone’s life?

Yes, A squirrel 🐿

2. What is life according to you?

A unique beautiful mystery 💖

3. What is something that everyone should try at least once?

 Challenge their fear. 🔥

My Nominees


Now all creative, lovely nominees it’s your turn to answer the questions please choose any 5 questions from above and answer them! Let’s share the joy!
PS I apologize to my blogger mates who are not receiving my comments. I request them to check their spam. Maybe few comments are resting there 💤 Thankyou!

62 thoughts on “My 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th Mystery Bogger Award

  1. Congratulations Kranti 😊
    Thank you for the your kind words..!!
    Lovely answers & such a positive human you are.. !!
    You must be living in positive environment & your post must be appreciated here & helpful for the people as I can see, lot of negativity there is at this place.. so, you are doing great work 👍 also I would love to know, how did you save the life of squirrel😊…?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Prasad! 😊 Hope I can radiate some positive vibes through my posts! ✨Thank you so very much for your encouraging words! 💛Actually squirrel fell down in the water tank and she was drowning so I took her out… she was really cute and lovely! 😊


  2. Congratulations…
    It has been happening with me as well , I try to comment but it seems to vanish when I checked my spams a few of comments were resting there unattented…hehe.
    It’s not only about Mystery Blogger Awards at WP but also mystery comments😂😂😂

    Liked by 3 people

  3. The only reason why i like blogging more than facebook is because of kind and supportive people like you. Thank you so much for this nomination and this will definitely give me a confidence boost. I am so honoured by the nomination from a great blogger. Thank you soooooo much 💙

    Liked by 5 people

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